Gander Retail
Gander offers retailers the opportunity to increase profits while empowering consumers to prevent and reduce waste and save money on their food shop. Their mobile app automatically connects near-waste food with an audience of local consumers, providing them with an instant view of quick-sale items currently on the shelves in their nearby stores.
Since showcasing Gander to ECR in 2019, they have continued to gain strong traction in the UK where they are in over 400, including SPAR, Morrisons Daily, The Co-operative, Iceland, Nisa, Today's and more.
Gander offers retailers the opportunity to increase profits while empowering consumers to reduce waste and save money on their food shop. Gander seamlessly connects near-waste food in FMCG retail outlets with an audience of local consumers. Their app provides users with an instant view of marked-down, quick-sale items currently on the shelves in nearby stores. Users can search and filter by location, store, category and dietary preferences so they have a selection and variety of edibles to consume throughout long periods of time making it reliable and consistent
United Kingdom