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Inside the World’s Most Successful open innovation Labs

Inside the World’s Most Successful open innovation Labs

Ever wonder how some of the most groundbreaking products come to life? Nike’s A.I.R. technology, Coca-Cola’s iconic fountain dispenser, and Nivea’s bestselling “Invisible Black and White” deodorant all share a common thread: they were developed through open...

Corporate Innovation Secrets from BBC & Sky

Corporate Innovation Secrets from BBC & Sky

Last week we had a bean spilling Corporate Innovation Secretes session with Serena Martin, known for her strategic roles at BBC and Sky, now leading Co:cubed's Brand Expansion Practice. We put the spotlight on how big businesses are adapting to today's market...

The Crucial Role of Corporations in Combating Water Scarcity

The Crucial Role of Corporations in Combating Water Scarcity

With 3.5 billion people grappling with water scarcity, the scale of the challenge is undeniable. The anticipated doubling of water technology investments to $55.2 billion by 2030 raises both hope and questions. Which technologies hold the promise of transformative impact?

The secret to building corporate innovation communities

The secret to building corporate innovation communities

In the face of rapid technological change, innovation has become a strategic imperative. Yet, innovation leaders often face resistance within their organizations, turning this crucial task into a challenge. To delve into this, Co:cubed gathered innovation leaders from companies like Citi Group and Sky. The rich discussion offered practical advice on fostering an innovation culture, underlining that while the road to successful innovation may be tough, the rewards are transformative.

17 Startups for 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Our Mission Helping the world’s biggest companies, solve the world’s biggest problems, powered by 12 million startups. "We exist to connect the dots and forge partnerships, solving corporate...

The power of Co: a new model for innovation at corporates.

The power of Co: a new model for innovation at corporates.

The power of Co: a new model for innovation at corporates.  At Co:cubed, we're passionate about helping the world's biggest brands connect to the world's most innovative startups. And there's never been a more important time to do this. In fact, over the last 12...

Key Lessons from my £40m failure

Key Lessons from my £40m failure

Listen to the episode here: Transcript: JB: My first graduate role was with Unilever, where I started in 2003, but my ‘innovation career’ was launched in 2009, when I was...

Adapt or die: corporate innovation in a post-COVID world

Adapt or die: corporate innovation in a post-COVID world

Adapt or die - that well-coined startup phrase now has a more poignant meaning. Literal ironies aside, in the midst of a global pandemic and economic meltdown, never has this mentality been more relevant in business. It doesn’t take an economist to predict the...

Welcome to a new growth era

Welcome to a new growth era

Large corporates have traditionally grown through two mechanisms: organic growth and acquired growth. However, with organic growth proving difficult and acquired growth becoming expensive, we see a third route to growth emerging: collaborative growth. Here’s why…...

Why it’s time to end startup charity

Why it’s time to end startup charity

All too often we see corporates taking an almost-charitable mindset when it comes to partnering with startups. Corporates, the logic goes, are established and experienced powerhouses with more to offer startups than a group of hoodie-wielding misfits might ever offer...

Why corporates must involve everyone in innovation

Why corporates must involve everyone in innovation

When first starting my career, I interned with what was then the world’s most disruptive tech-giant: Microsoft. By the time I first shuffled into Microsoft offices, the company had been exploring highly profitable and previously...

Collaborative Innovation made simple

Collaborative Innovation made simple

To remain relevant in today’s rapidly changing world, it’s vital that corporates have strong conduits to the disruptors at the forefront of change. At Unilever, we called this the ‘Foundry’ - Unilever’s platform to connect and...

Why the future of your business looks a lot like Hollywood

Why the future of your business looks a lot like Hollywood

What does the future of your organisation look like? Will it be here in 20 years? Will your corporate be a dominant force in the industry, stronger than it is today, or will it slowly become small and irrelevant? Will it be able...