The future of energy drinks
When Danone wanted to launch an energy drink brand, we mapped the innovation landscape and sourced ideas from the best founders. This unlocked the ability to co-create multiple ideas simultaneously and uncovered a range of innovative route to market opportunities for Danone to explore.
As a global CPG leader with a health-focused portfolio in food and beverages, Danone has no shortage of ideas when it comes to creating new products. Danone wanted to expand into the energy drink category but needed some help to do so, so we brought them our disruption landscaping tools.
We gave Danone a clear view of industry innovation happening within energy drinks, identifying trends and whitespace opportunities. We then brought in rockstar founders of energy drinks startups to co:create a range of new products for Danone in whitespace areas identified by our innovation mapping.
We developed a clear process to connect with the ecosystem of entrepreneurs, co-createD ideas, agree a partnership and mechanism to integrate ideas back into the organisation. We produced two fully-scoped new products and reduced the time to generate breakthrough ideas from 150 days to 15 days.