Brands that don’t collaborate can’t truly innovate. Six tips for making startup collaborations successful.

Jan 5, 2023 | Blog Post | 0 comments

Brands that don’t collaborate can’t truly innovate. Six tips for making startup collaborations successful.

Jan 5, 2023 | Blog Post | 0 comments

Collaborating with startups can be a great way for brands to innovate, but it’s not always easy. Here are six tips from six startups on how to make these collaborations work: We asked 6 startups for six tips on how to make collaborations with brands work. 

Featuring: Dotter, NumberEight, Gifta, Hoopla Digital, Texel Moda

  1. Collaborating with startups can be a great way for brands to innovate, but it’s not always easy. Here are six tips from six startups on how to make these collaborations work:
  2. Remember that collaboration is about more than just creativity. It’s about connecting different points of access to create value for both the user and the brand.
  3. A clear goal is key for successful collaboration. Make sure both parties understand what the other is trying to achieve.
  4. Having a “champion” at the client organization can make a big difference. This is someone who sees the big picture and can make decisions quickly to keep the collaboration on track.
  5. Vulnerability is important in collaboration at scale. Both parties need to be open and willing to try new things.
  6. Give the collaboration time to succeed. Don’t judge an entirely new innovation on a single activation; commit to making it work over a longer period of time. Avoid hiding behind emails and try to speak with one another directly. This can help build connection and resolve issues more quickly.

Trusted by 50 of the Fortune 100, Co:cubed works with brands to understand their challenges and growth opportunities, and then curates solutions from a global network of over 12 million startups. At Co:cubed, we’re experts in helping brands collaborate with startups. If you’re interested in our brand startup collaboration workshop, get in touch with

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